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Created in 2011, All 4 the EU is a multipurpose agency able to respond to any requests in Brussels, Paris, Luxembourg and elsewhere.

All 4 the EU covers several areas of activity such as / activates through:

Staffing services

Conference assistants, hostesses, promoboys models, translators, interpreters, administrative assistants, waiters, chauffeurs, valets, etc.

Event planning

Meetings, seminars, conferences, roadshows, fairs, shows, exhibitions, awards, etc.


Production of advertising videos and infomercial combining 2D or 3D animation.

  • References

    Amongst our clients: WHO, European Commission, Tesla Mostors, Citibank, and many more.

  • Shows and Fairs

    Shows and Fairs in which All 4 the EU is active at the Brussels Expo:

    Brussels Motor Show, Seafood Expo, Batibouw, Salon des vacances, Beauty Selection Brussels, etc.

Our philosophy

The Montier” are young entrepreneurs willing to promote other young people in the European Union, taking into account their expertise and providing excellent working conditions.